Let's sprinkle a little fairydust on your love life!

Unleash The Wild Inside

In theory, sex is one of the kindest acts there is between humans.

A perfect sexual encounter should be two(or more) people enjoying each other's time, appreciating each other's bodies, making each other feel good, and ultimately bringing each other satisfaction.

Instead, generations of culturally imposed sexual repression has manifested in unhealthy attitudes and desires. Sex has been forcibly taken from the unwilling leading to sex being withheld and widely discouraged.

Women's orgasms were considered a myth until only a matter of decades ago. That's centuries of women not orgasming; society as a whole thought sex was designed primarily for the pleasure of men to the point that even women didn't know they could orgasm. A shocking number of women still haven't had one and many never will. It makes sense why women are far less interested in sex than their male counterparts. If women came as often as men, I guarantee their level of desire would skyrocket. Therefore, if men or women want to live in a world where the women want to have sex all the time then starting making them cum!

We are in an era of sexual liberation. We are no longer confined to only vanilla sex, or only sex with one partner, or only sex with one gender. We are learning that our sexuality can be so much more than we ever thought possible. It is the beginning of a new future rooted in love and connection with others and ourselves.

A future with no fear, no pressure, and no shame, either for having sex or not having any at all.

A future where both parties leave satisfied.

A future where the only sexual protection one needs is against STDs and pregnancy.

A new way of living where sex becomes the ultimate adult game.

With each encounter presenting a new opportunity to play in different ways.

You can play different characters, switch up settings, introduce props, make it all up as you go or stage elaborate displays. That's the fun of it!

Sex is the game. I am the coach. It's my job to make you a champion.

Frequently Whispered Questions

Please reach out to me at Chelsea@LoveSexAndFairydust.com if you have any additional questions or concerns.

What is the cost of a coaching session?

You can get one hour sessions for only $69 all summer long! Cheers to a summer of love!

How long is a typical session?

Once the dust is sprinkled, we take flight for roughly 50 minutes, although some sessions may be longer or shorter depending on your needs and preferences.

What education requirements are there for Sex/Love Coaches?

Training to obtain your Sex Coach license includes all of the class studies listed below and more.

Healing | Communication | Flirting | Kissing | Aphrodisiacs | Dating | Foreplay | Self Pleasure | Erotic Talk | Female Anatomy & Arousal | Pleasing a Woman | Male Anatomy & Arousal | Pleasing a Man | Fantasies & Role Playing | Erotic Massage | Oral Pleasure | Playful Positions | Power Play | Adult Toys | Consent & Safer Adult Play | Intimacy | Boundaries & Taboos | Back Door Play | The Big O | Eroticism | Group Erotica | Disability & Intimacy | Couples Enrichment | G-Spot 101 | Foot Fetish | Tantric Love | Women Loving Women | Men Loving Men | Transgender - Female to Male Course | Transgender - Male to Female Course | Polyamory | Cross Cultural Competency

Is touching involved in in-person coaching sessions?

There is never sexual contact between coach and client during a session or outside of a session. If both parties consent and the situation warrants it, I may guide you with my hands to show you a position or technique. Any sexual advances, harassment, unwanted touching, groping, etc., will result in immediate termination of services,